We are open! September 2021
Taking the “Coming Soon” sign down.
Porch Sign
Directions so you know which purple door to go to!
Exterior Porch Sign
Thank you Brad Novak for the custom laser engraved woodwork.
The sign is in place! 2019
Covered with a “COMING SOON” sign for the next 2 years — but getting there!
Business Sign
Fantastic job by Legacy Signs VT.
Hot off the press.
December 2019
Exterior changes
Laying sidewalks
Laying sidewalks
View from the far corner of parking lot.
The day after paving. Freshly plowed.
Parking lot
Paving started late in the day, just in the nick of time before the snowstorm!
Wrap around porch and sidewalk.
First sidewalk poured to the entrance for future fitness studio and massage therapy.
Porch roof.
Getting ready to build the handicap access ramp and wrap the porch around.
October 2018
No more lawn. Excavated and graded.
September 2018
Jacking up the house and fixing the foundation.
August 2018
The little porch is off, and new entrance added (temporary white door) for the future offices.